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Welcome, it is an honor to be in connection with you today. We dedicate our entire page as a Land & Roots Acknowledgement.
Enjoy this #GoodMedicine!
"Remember, You are Medicine!"
Let's Begin Together:
At Bear Root Resource Center, we give thanks to our Creator and honor them for their infinite love and blessings that we celebrate each day. We honor all living things above, below, and all around us in 4 directions.
We honor those who came before us, for our Ancestors who shared their spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and medicinal wisdom so it could be passed down through generations immemorial. We take this moment to acknowledge the courage and sacrifices of Past and Present community leaders; and warriors who are on the front lines protecting all that is sacred, advocating for our most vulnerable in need, and persisting to overcome challenges so that our future generations can thrive.
We are all human beings that are interconnected in this human experience we call life. We trust that each of us has a unique, beautiful, and meaningful purpose that needs to awaken and be nurtured, to unite, and to respond to critical local and global needs; so that together we can heal our World.
Bear Roots Resource Center would like to invite you to participate in our Land Acknowledgement. At this time, we would like to honor our Creator, and all living things above, below, and all around us in 4 directions. We acknowledge the harmful global impact of Colonialism from the Past and is currently happening in the Present moment. We dedicate our life work to dismantling broken systems and restoring balance in our local and global communities; through advocacy and collaborating with world leaders to impact policy work for Indigenous and Black Sovereign Nations. We advocate to reclaim their inherit rights so they can be acknowledged for their rich cultural contributions, innovation and roots that connect them with their Ancestral ties to their Natural resources to the Land, and empower them to realize self-determination, self-governance and self-reliance. We want to bring awareness of the harmful injustices that Colonialism intentionally cause, which include to Eco-cide, Femicide, Gender inequality and Genocide. We can now measure the destruction that shows a direct correlation between significant loss of land and people, and we need to unite to ensure our survival.
Regardless of our personal beliefs, at our core, many of us can agree that there is something beyond ourselves and we are all connected. In this unique, yet common understanding, I urge you to be open to the possibility of a collective healing that will transform our futures. Our common ground is our deep connection to Land, our Universal life force and our individual hearts and minds are capable of shaping and shifting our priorities to overcome many of our challenges. However, we will need to leave what we think we know to the side while we reconnect to our cultural traditions, with each other, and collaborate to find solutions to improve our community together.
We ask that you take a moment to pause and reflect. Please find a comfortable space where you feel safe, preferably outside to be enjoying nature. Take a few breaths and count to ten, then repeat 3 times or until you feel relaxed. We hope you are feeling more centered and grounded. If you are able to, sit on the ground and close your eyes. As you sit, try to listen and observe what you sense around you. Consider what emotional or spiritual connection you feel where you are or try to remember a place that is special to you, perhaps where your family is from and your Ancestors are connected to the land. Whose Land are you on and are active in community together? What ways can you be respectful to the Land you are a guest of? Will you share this knowledge with others in your circle of friends, family and community members? The heartbeat you feel is the same pulse that Mother Earth vibrates, and we experience when we go outside and experience nature trails, forests, mountains, streams, rivers, at the beach to enjoy the waves of the ocean, or even in your own back yard or patio, etc.
It is important to know that a small percentage of the World population is responsible for harmful effects of Colonialism, Imperialism and Capitalism. Many social justice issues intersect with environmental justice issues, and there are many advocating to impact policies and take direct action to prevent further harm. Watching these injustices happen over and over again can often feel overwhelming, and if it is not happening locally, then it might seem like it does not need our attention or be any of our concern. However, I urge you to go outside of what is familiar and expand your circle, and consider that we are all interconnected, and this is where the phrase "All our relations," comes from. In many ways, whatever harm comes to one person or place, that is essentially harming ourselves and our loved ones. Here is where we better understand our deep connection to land and how it also relates to our deep connection to one another, and this is the key to our survival. Yes, "love" is the answer, and although this may sound like a song verse to ignore and dismiss, it is the foundation we need to work together. Let's begin to shape, shift, and transform our future through individual intentional actions, and work toward a common goal to make a positive impact. Because YOU are alive, anything is possible!
You may be interested to know that the impact of Colonialism is linked to Climate Change. Colonialism is not just something that occurred in the Past, unfortunately, this is a systemic problem that is still happening today.
Here are more resources on this topic:
Online & Open Access to Library Books
Let us lift our heads up high and gather together, imagine that we are all in a circle and that we are united with our Ancestors. At this time, we would like to honor our Creator, and all living things above, below, and all around us in 4 directions. Let us sing loudly to honor those who came before us and the sacrifices that they made to protect our Mother Earth, and held space to preserve cultural traditions, language, food and to have faith that future generations would survive. I believe that they instinctively knew we would be ready to pick up where they left off so we could continue to build on the legacy they left behind for us. It is beautiful to see a shift taking place, and the seeds that were planted generations ago are waking up to grow in each of us. We have to develop our purpose so we can ensure our future 7 generations will thrive. This is the time we must unite all our relations to join in our efforts. The time is upon us now and we must take action that is rooted in love to overcome these present challenges. We need to prepare and actively protect all that is sacred which will ultimately end all destructive patterns so we can return balance and peace.
In order to move forward, we must heal our past, each of us as individuals and collectively as a global community. Let us also acknowledge the deeply painful loss of life that occurred historically. Colonization killed 90% of the Indigenous Population, and it is estimated that there were 500 million Indigenous people worldwide prior to European contact, and by the 1600s there were less than 6 million people. When the ships of Europeans arrived, many were deathly ill and later this became a part of the germ warfare as a tactic to attempt to wipe out Indigenous populations. The American Holocaust accounts for between 70 to 100 Million Indigenous lives lost by forcibly removing, kidnapping children, raping women, separating families, enslaving, experimenting, torturing and murdering. War strategies included wiping out traditional food was a weapon of chemical warfare. The Federal government broke treaties, stole land, created policies to remove and relocate Indigenous people to Reservations that often times was not their Ancestral land. In California, during the Spanish invasion, a Mission system was created that included 21 Missions along the De Anza Trail known as "El Camino Real" that stretched over 600 miles and continued South into Mexico, and East to Texas. Churches took children to Indian Boarding Schools in Canada and throughout the U.S., with a "Mission" to strip them of their cultural traditions and many did not survive, many of these schools remained open until 1995.
You may be interested to know that 80% of worlds biodiversity is protected by Indigenous people and much of sacred sites, ecologically significant locations that are at risk are located on Indigenous Ancestral land. From a global perspective, Indigenous people account for 370 million people today; which accounts for 6% of the world population, and live in 70 countries worldwide. There are an estimated 7 million Native Americans living in the U.S. today, which accounts for 2% of the population . There are currently 574 Federally Recognized independent Sovereign Native American Nations, which doesn't reflect the total Present-day Indigenous population, as there are many tribes that are not Federally Recognized as a result of blood quantum, illegal natural resource extraction and other politics that are modern forms of genocide . It is important to know that genocide is not something that only occurred in the Past and it is unfortunately still happening today as a direct result of impacts caused by Colonialism and Imperialism.
We want to take a moment to honor the Arawak and Cacique Taino of the Caribbean; who first discovered a lost sea navigator, who many may know as Christopher Columbus. We want to honor Anacaona, a respected Cacique Taino Chief and Warrior from Ayiti (Haiti), who negotiated terms with European invaders and fiercely protected her people. We want to shift the narrative and acknowledge that there were extensive trade routes across Turtle Island (Americas) and between other Nations prior to Europeans claiming to discover Ayiti (Haiti), the greater Antilles, the Caribbean Islands and later justifying the Doctrine of Discovery and the Westward Expansion. It is understood that around 6,000 years ago Indigenous people traveled between South America and the Caribbean. We acknowledge Indigenous relatives used Polynesian Wayfinding, which was used for thousands of years to navigate between Pacific Islands and over long distance courses through ocean and sea travel. Chinese and Filipino sailors were among the first Asian explorers to land on American soil and trade goods. There are notable Black Explorers who navigated the Ocean 180 years before Europeans; and ironically the Eurocentric scholars still believed the Earth was flat. We know that Indigenous Ancestors had ingenuity and innovative technology before Science could catch up and confirm their knowledge.
We are thankful for all Nations wisdom keepers and culture bearers, Past, Present and Future. There are many Indigenous warriors who had the courage to fight and protect our future lives. We would like to acknowledge a few, but please understand that this is not a complete list, and it is not in any order of significance, as every achievement is equally important. We thank Chief Joseph, Chief Seattle, Sitting Bull, Sarah Winnemucca, Geronimo, Lozen, Dahteste, Crazy Horse, Moving Robe Woman, Maria Tallchief, Sacagawea, Jim Thorpe, Dennis Banks, Russell Means, Richard Oakes, Wilma Mankiller, Dr. LaNada War Jack, Elizabeth Peratrovich, Susan La Flesche Picotte, Ladonna Harris, John Trudell, Amazon Chief Raoni Metuktire, Brazil's First Minister of Indigenous People, Sônia Guajajara, the Great Peacemaker Deganawidasix, Hiawatha, Kateri, and Seneca Chief and Lacrosse Player, Oren Lyons, Guainía Taíno Chief, Roberto Múkaro Borrero, Deb Haaland, Sharice Davis, Tribal Chair of Conferated Villages of Lisjan and Co-Founder of Sogorea Te, Corrina Gould, and the Winnemem Wintu Chief and Spiritual Leader, Caleen Sisk, and many more! We thank Haudenosaunee Nations for their diplomacy guidance and influence on Democracy. We are grateful for All Nations knowledge and medicine shared in the 4 Directions philosophy, and the resilience of those who occupied Alcatraz and for those who advocated for Indigenous Rights and still do to this day. Bear Root Resource Center acknowledge we are guests on the unceded territory of California, within the San Francisco Bay Area region, and live in communities surrounding the Ancestral land of the Sovereign Nations known as the Confederated Villages of Lisjan, Karkin, Patwin, Pomo, Ohlone, Me-Wuk, Mishewal Wappo, Miwok, Muwekma and Nisenan.
We are in solidarity and are inspired by the incredible work that Indigenous community members are involved in to protect land, water, and other natural resources, and to preserve culture and traditions. Bear Root Resource Center is dedicated to being in good relations with all Indigenous relatives, to give space for their voices to be heard, to center their experiences while want to be active and engaged advocates to strategize ways that will support resilience for many generations to thrive.
Here are some Present Day Community Resources:
(AIBL) American Indigenous Business Leaders
(AISES) Advancing Indigenous People In STEM
American Indian Cultural Center
Asian & Pacific Islander Community Allies Resources
California Indian Museum & Cultural Center (CIMCC)
California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC)
California Native American Cultural Preservation Resources
Climate Emergency Mobilization Task Force (CEMTF)
First Nations Development Institute
First Nations Economic Development Conference
First Nations Good Mind Resources
First Peoples' Cultural Conference
Haudenosaunee Canandaigua Treaty of 1794
Haudenosaunee Sovereign Nation
Indigenous Environmental Network
Indigenous Mothers Community Land Trust
International Indigenous Tourism Conference
(MICOP) Mixteco Indigena Community Organizing Project
(ACTA) Movimento Cultural de La Union Indigena
National Indigenous Education Resources
National Museum of the American Indian
National Indigenous Women's Resource Center
Native Voices: Additional Educational Resources & Learning Activities
(NCAIED) The National Center For American Indian Enterprise Development
(RES Annual Conference) Reservation Economic Summit by NCAIED
Sacramento Native American Health Center (SNAHC)
Sister Sky: Indigenous Business Resources
Tribal EcoRestoration Alliance
In Solidarity, Please Join Call to Action!
Learn about what is happening in D.R.C. Congo
Protect Brazil Amazon Indigenous Land
Yep, despite every attempt on our Ancestors lives and to erase us entirely, we are most definitely still here. At times, we might tell our oral history in a stoic fact based way, but most of the time many Indigenous relatives share stories with humor; even the uncomfortable stuff that might be hard to talk about.
Here are more resources on this topic:
Online & Open Access to Library Books
Let us take moment to lift our heads high, and observe a moment of silence to acknowledge the strength, courage, wisdom and resilience of Ancestors of the Black Diaspora, who were violently uprooted from their land, separated from their loved ones and forced to endure horrific conditions while they were enslaved. Those whose futures were stolen and taken to Foreign lands during the Transatlantic Slave Trade maintained their faith to overcome these crimes and injustice, and prayed for their present day descendants to thrive. We acknowledge the past historical accomplishments, as well as present day contributions to our community. Bear Root Resource Center has made a long-term commitment to fighting the systems that continue to perpetuate challenges for Black lives in this present moment. As we continue to navigate through the impacts of colonialism and the harm that our Black relatives have endured and persevered through, and we acknowledge that there is still much more that needs to be done to end social and environmental injustices today.
We want to take a moment to honor the visionary leaders from an Island known as Ayiti, who united hundreds of men, women and children to gather together to rise up and liberate themselves; and dedicated their lives to free all Black enslaved people around the world. We would not be free to this day if it were not for the love and conviction of the General and 1st Haitian Emperor, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who was inspired to do great things after he was freed from slavery by a Free Black man with the last name Dessalines, who purchased him from his slave owner, Duclos. Dessalines realized that it was possible to end slavery for everyone and he began to collaborate with others to realize this dream. Dessalines was feared for his reputation as a relentless General of the Armée indigéne he formed. Toussaint Louverture wrote the first Constitution and said, "Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité, and this became the Haitian slogan to inspire hope for it banned slavery and all forms of racial discrimination. There are many key individiuals that contributed to the movement; includng the 1st Haitian Empress, Marie-Claire Heureuse Félicité, the war strategist and spiritual guide who was born in the Kingdom of Dahomey, "Gran Toya" (Abdaraya Toya Victoria Montou), Marie Sainte Dédée Bazile (aka Défilée-La-Folle), the General and Governor, Toussaint Louverture, Dame-Consort, Suzanne Simone Baptiste Louverture, Lieutenant Sanité Bélair, Haitian Soldier Marie-Jeanne Lamartiniére, General and Haitian King, Henri Christophe, Haitian Queen Marie-Louise Coidavid, other notable soldiers included President of Haiti, Alexandre Petion, Sanité Bélair, Francois Capois, and John Duckworth.
The pivotal moment in the Haitian Revolution happened during a spiritual ceremony, at Bois Caïman that was organized by Spiritual Leaders, which included a devoted Houngan and Supreme Chief who was born in present-day Senegal and Gambia and enslaved to Jamaica and later transported to Haiti, we know him as Dutty Boukman and the High Priestess and Mambo, Cécile Fatiman, who gathered 200 enslaved people to pray for liberation. Herard Dumesle attend the ceremony and wrote about what he witnessed, and how this led to the victory of the Battle of Vertières, and ultimately the Haitian Independence declared on January 01, 1804, as the first Independent Free Black Nation that was a beacon of light that inspired hope in the world . We give special thanks to Catherine Flon, who was the Haitian Seamstress who is a National hero for sewing the first Haitian flag.
We are thankful for Spiritual Guardians, Activists, Revolutionaries and Civil Rights Leaders Past, Present and Future individuals who stood up to systems and demanded change to improve the lives of the world around us, and often times their lives were lost or those who they tried to protect were taken too soon. We would like to acknowledge a few Black and Brown leaders, along with some well respected Allies, but please understand that this is not a complete list, and it is not in any order of significance, as every achievement is equally important. We thank Queen Nanny, Jamacian Maroon, Omar Saidou Tall, Nanisca Dahomey Warrior, Harriet Tubman, W.E.B. Du Bois, Langston Hughes, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Jr., John Lewis, Rosa Parks, Ida B. Wells, Ella Baker, Ruby Bridges, Mahatma Gandhi, Muhammad Ali, Anagarika Dharmapala, Sue Bailey Thurman, Malala Yousafzai, Ram Manohar Lohia, Bayard Rustin, Kamaladevi Chattopadhyay, Martha P. Johnson, Sidney Portier, Thurgood Marshall, James Baldwin, Che Guevara, Celia Cruz, Nezahualcóyotl, Cesar Chavez, Dolores Huerta, Assata Shakur, Bruce Lee, George Takei, Jose Rizal, Lapulapu, Queen Liliuokalani, Kapaemahu, Huey P. Newton, Eldridge Cleaver, Bobby Seale, Fred Hampton, Angela Davis, Chaka Khan, Afeni Shakur, Jackie Robinson, Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, Henrietta Lacks, Levardis Robert Martyn Burton Jr., Lawyer Johnnie Cochran, Berta Cáceres, Bob Marley, Franck Étienne, James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, Bell Hooks, Zora Neale Hurston, Chinua Achebe, Ta-Nehisisi Coates, Ibram X. Kendi, Opal Tometi, Allicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, Tarana Burke, Misty Copeland, George Floyd, Chadwick Boseman, and many more!
Bear Root Resource Center is in solidarity with Black Community Leaders who are aligned with the same vision and values to unite and strengthen our community. We are inspired by the incredible work that originates from our Black Communities, which influences all communities from all backgrounds, we thank them for their innovation, technology and medical advances, along with their creative bold Artistic expression in all forms, and invites our senses to indulge in culinary soul food, while all contributions preserves Black history, and sets new trends that inspires and empowers generations to thrive.
We are dedicated and strive to influence our community to realize that we must unite together and uplift, empower and protect Black Lives to ensure that no more lives are lost, and that the senseless loss of lives from Police Brutality, opportunities lost and unfortunately from self-hatred within our community that was taught to us by systems that were built to divide us, oppress us, and limit us, and we can't breath under these conditions any longer as we mourned on a world platform when George Floyd uttered his final words and cried out for his Mother, so we must be fiercely dedicated to ending these injustices now. We give space for Black voices to be heard, and to promote accurate representation and positive identity that is centered from their experiences, and most importantly told from their perspective, as well as to engage with Allies and invite them to join our movement, to self-educate, to be in solidarity as advocates, and to strategize ways that will support resilience for many generations to thrive.
The courage that Ancestors faced as they walked their final steps through the Door of no return in Ghana, Africa. They maintained their faith and found hope in singing songs in their native language from different tribes who were forced together. Women braided their children's hair as they wove rice and seeds in the strands of hair to preserve their roots to their Ancestral land. Men swallowed their fear to maintain a sense of calm in the midst of being stripped of their dignity and not knowing what their future would look like. Each section of small families prayed in this way, and even though they did not know each other, these songs were in unison as the hum of the ships prayed for their protection and for their children to survive.
In 1803, there were 75 Igbo warriors who decided that they would sacrifice their own lives to jump over the slave ship so that their spirits could live eternally and protect the most vulnerable on the Atlantic waters for generations to come.
The Victims of the Transatlantic Slave Trade lasted for 400 years and stole 15 million peoples' futures and tried to rob them of their cultural identity, but they did not succeed.
Here are more resources on this topic:
Online & Open Access to Library Books
Coming Soon!
Leadership Stipends and Grants Program to Give Back to Our Eligible Community Members. Criteria to encourage Indigenous Self-Determination, Empowerment, Cultural Preservation, Enrichment, Personal & Community Development, Cultural & Natural Resource Protection, Restoration, and Advocacy to Honor Ancestors, and Reunite a sacred connection to Land through Indigenous Stewardship and Restore Rightful Roots..
(Land Back)
Coming Soon!
Leadership Stipends and Grants Program to Give Back to Our Eligible Community Members. Criteria to encourage Black & Africa Diaspora Self-Determination, Empowerment, Cultural Preservation, Enrichment, Personal & Community Development, Cultural & Natural Resource Protection, Restoration, and Advocacy to Honor Ancestors, and seek to Reunite a sacred connection to land and Restore Rightful Roots.
We respect everyone's personal Spiritual belief and unique Cultural customs and traditions. There is an opportunity to learn from every person and coexist peacefully. When we recognize what we have in common and celebrate what is uniquely different, then we can learn and grow together.
Let us be open, respectful, humble, compassionate and open our circle to welcome everyone from all 4 Directions to join in this journey of the human experience. We advocate to protect all that is sacred and unite to protect everyone's right to freely practice their Spiritual beliefs. We advocate to protect all that is sacred, including sacred sites, natural resources and cultural preservation. May we find ways to end all wars in our time and for our future 7 generations. to thrive.
The 4 Directions philosophy stems from the spiritual Medicine Wheel teachings, and applies to how we relate to everything and our natural world, how we have a relationship with ourselves:, with each other, the dimensions of realms that are physical, spiritual, emotional, how we relate to time, the elements, the seasons, the directions, and cycles of nature, etc. It allows us to better understand how everything is interconnected and how everything is intended to be in balance.
We also learn that we need each other, which includes everything from the smallest living thing and on a larger scale this includes everything within the infinite Universe , which are all valuable to our well-being. When we understand that the Golden rule, which says "Do on to others as you shall do on to them," or the saying Mahatma Ghandi shared, "Be the Change You Wish To See In The World," the Mayan saying of Lak' ech, "Tœ eres mi otro yo," which translates to you are my other me; and both of these Universal concepts teach us how we are all related as people, but also everything in our Natural world. When we begin to treat ourselves in a healthy loving way, then we also begin to respect and honor the world around us, and the ripple effect heals our planet on a vibrational level.
These teachings are one of our core values and is the fundamental foundation of how we apply our business practice and develop our programs. There are several resources to learn more about this, and we look forward to share more soon.
Every person and all genders are welcome! We pride ourselves to be a safe zone for our Two Spirit LGBTQIA+ relatives.
This is a discrimination free zone.
We respect and accept all people, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Learn more about Human RIghts Allies/Safe Zone Program to be respectful and be accepting.
We recommend viewing the Healer Stones animated movie about a Hawaiian Legend and learn about the history of 4 Medicine people who are honored for their gifts. Here is the Kapaemahu project website for additional information.
Ability inclusion means that individuals with disabilities have the opportunity to participate in every aspect of life to the fullest extent possible. These opportunities include participation in education, employment, public health programming, community living, and service learning.
Disability affects approximate 61 million, or nearly 1 in 4 (26%) people in the United States living in communities. Disability affects more than one billion people worldwide. According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,
“. .. People with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory [such as hearing or vision] impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”
"A recipe for a dream starts with a few ingredients:
S is for Strength & Courage, or Salt from our Sweat or Tears, A is for Attitude, L is for Laughter, and T is for Tenacity or Grit. At times you might think about giving up, but you must keep going! When you focus on achieving your goal as the only option, it is with faith and perseverance that you can overcome and succeed." ~K.A.H.
This is dedicated to our essential workers, farm workers, and laborers who work in harsh conditions and for modest earnings or often earn nothing when they are vulnerable due to immigration status or another critical challenge. This is to raise awareness to end for-profit prisons, child labor, MMIW, MMIP and human trafficking. We acknowledge that our modern world was and is made convenient on the black and brown bodies, backs, hands, sweat and tears of Slave labor, from the experimentation of modern medicine, exploitation and appropriation of stolen opportunities and futures.
Our organization is committed to improving the lives of those in need. With your support, we can make a positive impact on the world. Join us today!
Your donation can help us make a difference in the lives of those in need. Every little bit counts! Your donation to Bear Root Resource Center will be directed toward where it is needed the most, unless you specify what program you would like us to apply it to. We thank you in advance for your generous support.
Learn more about our upcoming events, fundraisers, and more!
BEAR ROOT RESOURCE CENTER, a fiscally sponsored organization of Fiscal Sponsorship Allies EIN: 85-0839183
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